Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Starting line up

The Story of Teddy Cat.

Aka "T"

As most college relationships go, it didn't last. Luckily the gift I got that "keeps on giving" was a cat and not anything else. I got Teddy my sophomore year of college and with the misfortune of allergic roommates, he was jumped from many different homes before he landed with with adoring Grandparents.

My Grandpa spent endless hours trying to entertain him with cat toys and motorized mini helicopters, but Teddy found his home outside being a fierce warrior cat. After one too many fights outside and one too many trips to the vet, "T" ended back with me in my tiny apartment... but fear not, this warrior has been tamed beyond recognition. Teddy has morphed into a loving ball of headbutting, snuggling love.

Let's see now, if Teddy going to write a personal ad it would go something like this:

I am mostly white with spots of Black that resemble a cow, or as my mommy likes to say, a "moo cow." I currently reside in a apartment complex, but I used to live with a lovely older couple* where I got to roam the land and hunt. After one to many accidents, I was returned to my original mommy. My hobbies hanging with my new sister Ellie, sleeping, eating, some more sleeping and occasionally heading butting guests. (true story) I also enjoy trying to escape into the hallway of my residence. When I want some time alone, I jump up into a space close to the ceiling where Ellie can't get to yet. Most dog lovers come to love me, and I hope you will too soon.

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