Thursday, September 17, 2009

Late Night Surprise..

Get your mind out of the gutter... I'm talking TV. ( or was mine the only that went "there?")
I am not above watching late night infomercials and will even admit to sometimes trying to convince someone on the other end of the phone to include free shipping or they would not get a sale. Luckily for my bank account, I have never actually bought anything. (does anyone have any success stories from infomericals? Snuggies? The Instyler hair device? Let's throw in the Ad Coaster which I may or may not have called about-and no they do not have free shipping- I hear)

I have drifted, as I often do... back to the point at hand. Finding a good insomniac viewing show is hard to come by. Success! I have found a good late nighter. If you are into Law&Order or CSI, then you will enjoy. drummmrolllll for COLD CASE FILES! I have now found myself actually waking up at 4:45 to watch my 5:00AM show. It is captivating how they suck you in with older characters and do a flashback to their younger 50's self. I just can't get enough.

Although I highly recommend this as a wonderful insomnia's late night TV treat, I wouldn't put it next to my regularly scheduled line up.

In case there is a curious cat out there my favs include 3D rock (thanks to the suggestion of my twinie), Law and Order SVU, It's Always Sunny in Philly, How I met your Mother, Gossip Girl (guilty pleasure), True Blood, Big Love and What Not to Wear. I'll throw in HGTV and the Cooking show as all time favorites. I am always looking for suggestions for more....

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