Thursday, September 17, 2009

Guilty Pleasures- Maybe we shouldn't love it, but we do.

We all have them. Let's spill.
  • The one website that your work doesn't block, but it's still fun enough to visit more than once a day. If you haven't been, I recommend. The bonus is that if it's on there, it's 99.9% true.

  • Forever 21- We all have been there. Cheap and Chic and maybe it falls apart if you put it in your dryer, but at least you got an outfit or two out of it.

  • Lindsay Lohan- Just kidding. We don't love her. (do we? nope.)

  • US Weekly- I have tried and tried to train myself to steer clear, but the exciting headlines yank me in screaming "BUY ME" and I cave. I must know how Jessica Simpson lost 20lbs. There is no way I'll be the last to know about George Clooney's new lady lover. I can't get enough of the "who wore it better"... Paris never wins or "Stars are just like us." Who knew celebs carry grocery bags!

  • Cheetos- As Ray-Tard would say, "Yum-O!" We all know that the crunchy are better than the fluffy ones. Either way. I'll go to town on a bag.

  • Cats.. ok, this ones just for me. I hope not to end up like the below. Hope.

  • Binge Drinking after your College years- As a college football fan, who can resist heading back to the old stamping grounds for some good old tailgating and resorting to college behavior. The trick is to not run into/talk to co-workers. Just saying.

  • Funfetti anything. No explanation needed.

  • Flavor of Love. I tried to convince my friends to all wear decorated clocks around our necks with our slutty-mcslutterson clothes last Halloween. We could then yell things like, "your time is up" when talking with unwanted gentlemen callers. As it turns out, I was alone in my flavor of love watching. Go figure.

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