Friday, September 18, 2009

Foodies Delight!

Maybe it's the Chilly weather or the "boyfriend layer" I've been adding every year around fall, but when the leaves turn orange and red, I turn to my fridge. True sad story. Either way, what better way to enjoy the crisp weather than with yummy food to keep you warm.

And when we're talking food, we naturally have to turn to the glories of The Food Network. The short story: Ina Garden is my hero. Her classic take on the American menu has me completely emerged in all that is Ina. Below is a link to her site on

Some of her popular include: Chicken Stew with Biscuits and Chicken with Forty Cloves of Garlic (shot out to twinners with her love of garlic!)

Honest moment:

I don't actually cook. I have been trying to get better, but cooking for one is a tough task. And who wants to eat the same thing 3 days in a row? Not I said the... wait, don't say it. I typically end up eating sugar-free pudding and cab conscious yogurt for dinner. I do have to say that my Teddy and Ellie love when I do, because they have been known to find the leftovers after I am done.

Have a great Weekend!

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