Wednesday, September 9, 2009

And another one....

Ellie Belly... Smelly Ellie... devil kitty?

If I had a dollar for every time I've told Miss Ellie, "If I put you up for adoption, no one would take you." But the threats mean nothing as Ellie will be with me many years to come.

As the story goes, I was out and about getting kitty food for T. I should have gone into the near by superstore, but instead I wandered into the Pet Store. I know... I know. I am definitely one for adoption, but curiosity got the best of me. Innocently I was close to leaving when I saw a little freckled-faced toddler holding a sweet white stripped orange kitten by the leg and tail. This is the moment of truth. The better part of was shouting (internally of course) PAY AND LEAVE! The more self destructive impulsive side of me stayed to see how this scenario would play out. After half an hour of watching the toddler manhandle the sweet kitten, I knew that the kitten was coming home with me.

And this is the story of Miss Ellie joining T and I. And although she is mischievous and takes the kitten phase to an extreme, she also is super lovey.

If Ellie was going to write a personal add it would go something like this:

I like fuzzy toys and to rough house with Teddy. I think that Teddy is beginning to like me, although he will only let me snuggle with him if he is already sleeping and I catch him off guard. My mommy loves me, but I have a warning bottle that she sometimes sprays water at me when I am naughty. I seem to break everything I come across, but I mean well.

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