Friday, September 18, 2009

Foodies Delight!

Maybe it's the Chilly weather or the "boyfriend layer" I've been adding every year around fall, but when the leaves turn orange and red, I turn to my fridge. True sad story. Either way, what better way to enjoy the crisp weather than with yummy food to keep you warm.

And when we're talking food, we naturally have to turn to the glories of The Food Network. The short story: Ina Garden is my hero. Her classic take on the American menu has me completely emerged in all that is Ina. Below is a link to her site on

Some of her popular include: Chicken Stew with Biscuits and Chicken with Forty Cloves of Garlic (shot out to twinners with her love of garlic!)

Honest moment:

I don't actually cook. I have been trying to get better, but cooking for one is a tough task. And who wants to eat the same thing 3 days in a row? Not I said the... wait, don't say it. I typically end up eating sugar-free pudding and cab conscious yogurt for dinner. I do have to say that my Teddy and Ellie love when I do, because they have been known to find the leftovers after I am done.

Have a great Weekend!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Guilty Pleasures- Maybe we shouldn't love it, but we do.

We all have them. Let's spill.
  • The one website that your work doesn't block, but it's still fun enough to visit more than once a day. If you haven't been, I recommend. The bonus is that if it's on there, it's 99.9% true.

  • Forever 21- We all have been there. Cheap and Chic and maybe it falls apart if you put it in your dryer, but at least you got an outfit or two out of it.

  • Lindsay Lohan- Just kidding. We don't love her. (do we? nope.)

  • US Weekly- I have tried and tried to train myself to steer clear, but the exciting headlines yank me in screaming "BUY ME" and I cave. I must know how Jessica Simpson lost 20lbs. There is no way I'll be the last to know about George Clooney's new lady lover. I can't get enough of the "who wore it better"... Paris never wins or "Stars are just like us." Who knew celebs carry grocery bags!

  • Cheetos- As Ray-Tard would say, "Yum-O!" We all know that the crunchy are better than the fluffy ones. Either way. I'll go to town on a bag.

  • Cats.. ok, this ones just for me. I hope not to end up like the below. Hope.

  • Binge Drinking after your College years- As a college football fan, who can resist heading back to the old stamping grounds for some good old tailgating and resorting to college behavior. The trick is to not run into/talk to co-workers. Just saying.

  • Funfetti anything. No explanation needed.

  • Flavor of Love. I tried to convince my friends to all wear decorated clocks around our necks with our slutty-mcslutterson clothes last Halloween. We could then yell things like, "your time is up" when talking with unwanted gentlemen callers. As it turns out, I was alone in my flavor of love watching. Go figure.

Late Night Surprise..

Get your mind out of the gutter... I'm talking TV. ( or was mine the only that went "there?")
I am not above watching late night infomercials and will even admit to sometimes trying to convince someone on the other end of the phone to include free shipping or they would not get a sale. Luckily for my bank account, I have never actually bought anything. (does anyone have any success stories from infomericals? Snuggies? The Instyler hair device? Let's throw in the Ad Coaster which I may or may not have called about-and no they do not have free shipping- I hear)

I have drifted, as I often do... back to the point at hand. Finding a good insomniac viewing show is hard to come by. Success! I have found a good late nighter. If you are into Law&Order or CSI, then you will enjoy. drummmrolllll for COLD CASE FILES! I have now found myself actually waking up at 4:45 to watch my 5:00AM show. It is captivating how they suck you in with older characters and do a flashback to their younger 50's self. I just can't get enough.

Although I highly recommend this as a wonderful insomnia's late night TV treat, I wouldn't put it next to my regularly scheduled line up.

In case there is a curious cat out there my favs include 3D rock (thanks to the suggestion of my twinie), Law and Order SVU, It's Always Sunny in Philly, How I met your Mother, Gossip Girl (guilty pleasure), True Blood, Big Love and What Not to Wear. I'll throw in HGTV and the Cooking show as all time favorites. I am always looking for suggestions for more....

Single Dose of Heaven: Keurig

For some birthday lovin, my on-again-off-again got me a Keurig machine. I have unofficially become the most caffeinated gal in Cbus, OH. I have a sneaking suspicion that this isn't going to help me fight insomnia, but rumor has it they make a sleepy time K-cup. (K-cup is the self-contained packet that is used)

Not only does this device keep you energized, it also can help you stay within the season. Pumpkin Spice! French Toast! Egg Nog! Gingerbread! Each morning I awake to a variety of single dose yummy coffees and teas to get me going and keep me going. Recommend this coffee maker to anyone! (I even tried convince one of my best friends to allow me to buy them one as a wedding gift)

Good Flavored Coffee/Tea: Orange Tea, Blueberry Coffee (sounds weird but is surprising wonderful. The mommabear doesn't like flavored coffee and likes this), Chai Tea, Eggnog, French Toast

Steer clear flavors: Spice Mayan Chocolate Coffee, Gingerbread

More to come......

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

And another one....

Ellie Belly... Smelly Ellie... devil kitty?

If I had a dollar for every time I've told Miss Ellie, "If I put you up for adoption, no one would take you." But the threats mean nothing as Ellie will be with me many years to come.

As the story goes, I was out and about getting kitty food for T. I should have gone into the near by superstore, but instead I wandered into the Pet Store. I know... I know. I am definitely one for adoption, but curiosity got the best of me. Innocently I was close to leaving when I saw a little freckled-faced toddler holding a sweet white stripped orange kitten by the leg and tail. This is the moment of truth. The better part of was shouting (internally of course) PAY AND LEAVE! The more self destructive impulsive side of me stayed to see how this scenario would play out. After half an hour of watching the toddler manhandle the sweet kitten, I knew that the kitten was coming home with me.

And this is the story of Miss Ellie joining T and I. And although she is mischievous and takes the kitten phase to an extreme, she also is super lovey.

If Ellie was going to write a personal add it would go something like this:

I like fuzzy toys and to rough house with Teddy. I think that Teddy is beginning to like me, although he will only let me snuggle with him if he is already sleeping and I catch him off guard. My mommy loves me, but I have a warning bottle that she sometimes sprays water at me when I am naughty. I seem to break everything I come across, but I mean well.

Starting line up

The Story of Teddy Cat.

Aka "T"

As most college relationships go, it didn't last. Luckily the gift I got that "keeps on giving" was a cat and not anything else. I got Teddy my sophomore year of college and with the misfortune of allergic roommates, he was jumped from many different homes before he landed with with adoring Grandparents.

My Grandpa spent endless hours trying to entertain him with cat toys and motorized mini helicopters, but Teddy found his home outside being a fierce warrior cat. After one too many fights outside and one too many trips to the vet, "T" ended back with me in my tiny apartment... but fear not, this warrior has been tamed beyond recognition. Teddy has morphed into a loving ball of headbutting, snuggling love.

Let's see now, if Teddy going to write a personal ad it would go something like this:

I am mostly white with spots of Black that resemble a cow, or as my mommy likes to say, a "moo cow." I currently reside in a apartment complex, but I used to live with a lovely older couple* where I got to roam the land and hunt. After one to many accidents, I was returned to my original mommy. My hobbies hanging with my new sister Ellie, sleeping, eating, some more sleeping and occasionally heading butting guests. (true story) I also enjoy trying to escape into the hallway of my residence. When I want some time alone, I jump up into a space close to the ceiling where Ellie can't get to yet. Most dog lovers come to love me, and I hope you will too soon.